
Making a heart-to-heart call to the youth

28 mai 2019, 13:10


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Dear youngsters, 
It’s time for a wake-up call, it’s time for a change.
We live in a world where it’s okay to bottle ourselves up and put on a disguise.
We live in a world where we need to follow instructions, and act like another individual other than us, yet in our own skin.
What is happening to our young generation of today? 
Where every day we switch on the radio and hear about youngsters like us being aggressive at schools. 

Dear youngsters,
Why is it this case today? 
Look around us, people are pointing fingers at our generation. But it’s not their fault, it’s ours. We are giving them the opportunity to, so what else do we expect?
We are promoting violence instead of promoting peace.
We want to be respected? Okay, so let’s be respectful and show respect first.

Dear youngsters,
Why are we rebelling?
Why are we showing the society a bad facet of ours that we actually are not? 
Why give others the opportunity to talk?
Why do we have to do certain actions on purpose that tarnish our whole generation’s reputation?

Dear youngsters, 
I know, we all know it’s difficult to cope with the fierce competition in the world of education today.
I know, we know that it’s difficult to cope with those problems we face at home. 
But that’s life.
Let’s ask ourselves a question; is suicide the only solution? 
It’s just insane to hear every day news about young people like us trying to end their life because they have lost 5 marks or did not get the result they expected.

Dear youngsters, 
What’s happening to us, are we in our senses?
People in some parts of the world are losing their families in violent attacks, some don’t even have a drop of water to sip and some are starving to death. And we are here, making up our minds to attempt suicide? 
No, no, no. Pressure is not an excuse. Stress is not an excuse. Work overload is not an excuse. Family problems are not an excuse. Suicide is not a solution, it is pure satanic manipulation. 
Talk, speak, communicate, seek help, go out, do plenty of activities. That’s the solution.
Schools and society are here to help, not only to say “This generation is sick, it’s a bad one”. 
Appoint psychologists at school, appoint security officers in institutions which can apply a brake to this generation’s “sickness”. Use your power for good, dear authorities, and help us out.

Dear youngsters, 
We live in a world where we are taught to love who we are but at the same time, hide what makes us special;
Where we need to copy others, compete with others, to strive for perfection and not to say:” I want to be me and no one else”;
Where the quality of our words are no longer considered until these words become like others;
Where we are judged by the length of dress we wear, by the piercings and tattoos on our body or by the tightness of our jeans.

Dear youngsters, 
I know, wars are being fought around the world but the real war is within us.
We lose this fight when we say, bowing down, “I can no longer do it, I give up, I cannot be unique”
Instead, we become voiceless ordinary specks of dust, merely existing in a lonely desert.
Our freedom is lost at that particular moment when we refuse to think outside the box and stay in our comfort zone.

Dear youngsters, 
Social media has become the puppeteer of the world which manipulates lives and creates illusions; illusions which say we have no right to have flaws and we need to absolutely be perfect. 
It’s a world where fake is the new real;
Where we are supposed to wake up with our hair perfect and our face flawless;
A world where we show happiness but hide the pain that peeks upon the cracks;
A world where if we cry, we are looked upon as weak;
A world where if we hold tears that are so desperate to come out, we are considered as uptight;
A world where if you fight, you are a thug and if you don’t you are a punk;
A world where pleasing everybody is impossible, yet that’s what we are expected to do other than please ourselves.

Dear youngsters, 
We are not perfect; nobody is perfect.
We all have flaws and make errors, sometimes errors which are difficult to be forgiven. 
But we cannot allow ourselves to bully others; making a person feel bad about himself while he may be repenting, is the worse crime that one may commit in the books of humanitarian laws. It’s a sin.
We are all one; it’s not the youth against the youth, it’s the youth against the virus killing the latter’s vibes.

Dear youngsters, 
We have to realize that the most important kind of freedom is to be who we really are.
Because without it, we trade in our reality for a role.
We trade in our sense for an act.
We give up the ability to think and feel.
Our voice becomes voiceless and our power has no effect.
In exchange, we put on a mask, a mask of falseness.

Dear youngsters, 
Did you know snakes nowadays don’t hiss anymore?
Yeah, they call you “bro, babe or friends”.
In this world we live in now, it’s difficult to find a true friend who won’t backstab you but fake ones are easier to be found.
They are always here to guide you, yeah guide you to the wrong path.
They are always here alongside with you, yeah with you only during moments of happiness not failure.
They will teach you lots of things, yeah teach you not mathematics but narcotics.
Choose your friends well or else you’ll experience the venomous bite.
Dear youngsters, 
It’s undeniable that we all need an escape, a haven. 
But why choose ephemeral happiness from something that fades to ashes?
It’s no lie, drugs will make your mama cry. 

Dear youngsters,
This frivolity won’t bring us anywhere apart from painting our youth in red.
This phase of life is irretrievable. 
We need to love ourselves first, for, self-love is primordial. 
It’s got to happen inside first, one where you decide to be you, the person hidden deep inside,
The one with all those imperfections because in reality, imperfections are what define us.
There can’t be any change in the world until there’s a personal change on individual level.

Dear youngsters,
We need to remove the chain of illimitable competition around our neck before it strangles us so hard that we find it difficult to breathe.
Sometimes a certificate brings us to our dreams but sometimes it’s not the case.
Sometimes, a piece of paper makes no difference.
One may have graduated but waited for years to get a job, while the other may have no education but became a millionaire at 25.
Sometimes, all this means nothing, we need to prove ourselves to ourselves and not to society.
We should do things WE like the most.

Dear youngsters,
Click the refresh button in your minds and freshen up this mentality.
Let’s stand up against this spreading virus of “bad youngsters” and make our own good identity.
We are the future and a better future is what we all want, right?
Dear youth of today, 
Wake up,
Make a change,
So that when the youth of tomorrow comes, they don’t need to.

Dear youngsters,
Are you with me?