
Weekly: Headlines of the new edition

2 octobre 2015, 19:26


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Weekly: Headlines of the new edition


Ministers’ political comments: The statements they should never have made

Health Minister Anil Gayan’s blunt comment about having “stopped” the methadone therapy programme to punish drug addicts for voting, supposedly, for his political opponent in the last election, triggered strong reactions. It was only one in a series of controversial statements made by ministers recently – comments that were forgotten within weeks. Weekly examines the ministerial tendency to bounce back from controversy.


Mahmood Cheeroo, economist: “You can bring down people if you are so inclined. But you should not bring down institutions”

Once chairperson of the Stock Exchange Commission, the equivalent of the Financial Services Commission today, and more recently secretary general of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mahmood Cheeroo, economist by profession, devotes his time these days to consultancy and helping on various private company boards. He delivers to our readers today his no-holds-barred views on the economy, the situation in the country and the way forward. Demystifying myths and clearing up confusion, Cheeroo is not afraid of controversy. 


Debunking a common health myth: Forbidden fruit?

Fruit and vegetables are so healthy that you can eat them in abundance, right? Wrong. Some green choices are actually linked to weight gain, according to new research. Even the healthiest options out there, moreover, aren’t an all-that-you-can-eat buffet. 


Corporate end-of-year parties: Business and pleasure

Newsflash: The kind of friendship that exists between work colleagues is stronger than many other types of social bonds, according to research from Lancaster University. Yet, colleagues rarely get to spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere. There is one exception – the end-of-year party. How important is that event, really?