
Les astres et les désastres

30 décembre 2013, 06:43


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The year 2013 is on the way out and all those who are prone to superstition are delighted to see it off. Superstition unfortunately governs people’s lives. This is why lifts do not have to stop at the 13th floor as there is no 13th floor. There is no scientific reason why there should be no 13th floor but that is the way of the world. Superstition goes hand in hand with the business of astrologers who are known in our jargon as the ‘longanistes’. How this name came about is a mystery and I do hope that the new breed of astrologers can be of assistance to solve it.


This has come about with the breaking news this weekend that there are three ministers in the cabinet of this ‘plaisir’ country who are adepts of astronomy and who have their own telescope to monitor and scan the skies. The timing of this announcement coincides with the travels of Santa at this festive time. Hopefully minister Bunwaree was able to see Santa Claus and the reindeer pulling his sleigh bearing gifts. But the news was that, among the ministerial astronomers are the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and the Fish Minister with each one having a telescope. I have no idea about the type of telescope that they have but I am sure that whatever they have cannot be like the Hubble telescope which needed to be sent in orbit by a space vehicle.


Since I am hopelessly unknowledgeable about matters astral and astronomical, I was advised to go to the Google page to find out more about astronomy. I was helped in this by the new generation who googled the relevant page for me. I was fascinated by what I saw at the top of the page. I wish to share it with you as well and this is what it said: Receive God’s prophecy.


I was left wondering whether Minister Bunwaree has found astronomy as his hobby or as a means to delve into divine prophecies. Minister Bunwaree who broke the astral news did not go on to say whether the approaching general elections had sent him looking for clues in the sky. Looking too long at the skies to presumably intercept non-terrestrial messages can be harmful for ministers who are entrusted with looking at what goes on terrestrially.


The study of the stars is fascinating and at times we are left to wonder why the Meteorological Services do not enlist the help of our famous astronomers prior to giving their weather forecasts. At the very least they can obtain confirmation about their forecast for heavy rains for the New Year. Such confirmation can be obtained free of charge from Minister Bunwaree who is educated in the field.


As part of the new curriculum for our boys and girls. Astronomy must be a must. All students must be provided with a telescope as great discoveries can be made by them when they survey the skies. This area of activity must be democratized.


Around midnight on new year’s eve please do not bother to look at the stars as the Meteo office has forecast rains and the stars, being aware of that forecast, have gone on holiday. Happy New Year.