
Alliance already baked

26 mai 2014, 07:25


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It is simply incredible how much talk of cakes can fill reams of paper. You will recall the famous birthday party when the leader of the MMM (bloggers call it Mouvement Mickey Mauricien), Hon Paul R Berenger (PRB) put a piece of cake in Sir Anerood’s mouth as a sign that all was for the best in the world of REMAKE. Who could have doubted then that the hand that fed Sir Anerood was holding a dagger to kill the REMAKE. But that was then.


Today the talk is again about cake but this time it is the Prime Minister who wants the cake all for himself. He said as much within the hearing of PRB who absolutely wants to taste the Prime Ministerial cake. This is why the consensus in this ‘plaisir’ country right now is that the Leader of the Opposition, who is paid out of public funds to be a watchdog on behalf of the people, is more interested in betraying that office. His mission is to be in the good books of the Prime Minister and, to achieve this end, he has to be on his best behavior and looks. He is dying for a piece of that cake which the Prime Minister has taken to share with Narendra Modi in India. The latter will surely advise the Prime Minister that it is more pleasurable to have your cake and also to eat it alone.


PRB has become the spokesman of the Government on everything from electoral reform to those targeted by the Prime minister as relying on crutches, i.e ‘bequilles’, in order to be part of power. PRB says that the Prime Minister was aiming at the Parti Mauricien and the MSM but not his party. In plain language PRB is confirming that he already has sealed an alliance with the Labour party for the next general elections which, according to reliable sources from the Elections Office, should be held in the first fortnight of September 2014.


People will and must remember at election time that PRB threatens the Prime Minister with a tough time during Question Time and during debates in Parliament and these threats vanish when the Prime Minister smiles at him. But what makes the threats of PRB empty is that Parliament has been prorogued without anyone in the know as to when it is going to be recalled. The prorogation was said to be on account of the Prime Minister having to devote all his time to working on the issues relating to electoral reform. There was urgency then. But all this has gone and even the Prime minister has gone to attend the swearing in of Narendra Modi - or NAMO as the Indians call him.


Who can seriously dispute the fact that it is a real pleasure to be alive in this country at this time in our history? By the way, do not forget that PRB said last week that the electoral reform was 99% done and that work was going on on the 2nd republic. Is it the banana one ?