
SAJ and the Beast

24 avril 2017, 15:08


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If you think I am writing about the new release ‘Beauty and the Beast’ regrettably you make a mistake. Sorry to disappoint, but in my discourse I am referring to our ex-Prime Minister’s beast which we now know cost millions. We talk of millions nowadays, whether in wages for advisors or directors and other politically nominated figures. Not withstanding the trafficking of drugs into the country which are worth millions too.

We remember SAJ shedding tears when he re-counted his childhood memories at a function. Perfectly within his rights to do so, considering how challenging it would have been for many people born and growing up at that age. However, SAJ is not just anybody. His situation could not possibly have been worse to anybody else- and if this was indeed the case, he has for long enjoyed the many privileges of being a powerful and influential politician. Being able to drive luxurious cars, not sure with or without massage facilities and fridge- is one of the dreams of the poor. If he was poor then his dream came true- this is true for another ex-prime minister with his Royce Rolls. There is a very thin line between what one is entitled to and what is the right thing to do. Not all entitlements are in the interest of others. Surely driving a multi millions car, as they say they are entitled, does not help the ones in extreme poverty. It does not improve our health and social care services or even ensures that our poorest children have their books, a decent school uniform to wear and a meal. If only SAJ had gone through the trouble of making other dreams come true- and this is not about driving luxurious cars but to have a plate of decent food on our table every night; to give each and every child in extreme poverty a roof under their head. All the privileges and entitlements of Ministers, their wives/husbands, political figures, nominated others, advisors, favoured friends and mistresses put together would have resolved some of our societal problems.

Thanks to the live coverage of our parliamentary proceedings we are now more in the know of the fortune that some advisors and directors earn. Greediness is not close enough a term to classify such atrocities. Special Advisors earn hundreds and hundreds of thousands of rupees to eventually ill advise but horrendously disheartening to see the increasing disparity between the poor and the rich. We have on one hand those who are in absolute poverty and those who are the working poor. On the flip side of the coin we find politicians, protected drugs dealers, advisors and political nominees acting like vultures scavenging to the extreme. It only takes a tour to our hospitals to see the waiting queues, many suffering and in distress having to wait all day in some cases to be seen. The queues and waiting time are not getting any better. How can we not feel sorry for the many needy and vulnerable individuals in their thousands who live in acute situations. Tax payers’ money could be better spent on public facilities just to make life a little easier for the working class. The current state of affairs is not unique to the present governance; it is a repetition we see as a vicious cycle. Past, present and future politicians who always claim to be in politics for the greater interest of the population are really selling dreams to those who have no choice but to believe.

Once again it did not take too long to come to the conclusion that politicians seems to be suffering from the ‘hard to trust’ syndrome. Gravely contagious and shockingly repulsive, this syndrome has nevertheless developed into an unstoppable epidemic. The obvious symptoms are rampant with prolific lying and no sense of guilt or shame. One other remaining fact is that the ‘hard to trust’ disease attracts mostly the white collar individuals with established and thick bank accounts.

Beside the humour attached to it, Alliance LePep was meant to be different when it took over the reins. It was supposed to act as a model to other governments who have either exhausted or wrongly collected funds. Endorsed by an overwhelming mandate, it has at best been mediocre so far. Tainted with a number of scandals and a perceived greed, the actual government has failed. SAJ until late, with all the good intentions just did not have the courage, at this stage of his life, to change our lives as it was promised. We have living legacy of contempt and abuse in all senses.

The reality is not far-fetched. Government ministers are involved in what they have themselves ferociously condemned.  This is one of the reasons why people find it difficult to trust anymore.