
Catherine Boudet: «I was victim of a case of police abuse»

24 septembre 2018, 17:22


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Catherine Boudet: «I was victim of a case of police abuse»


Elle ne compte pas en rester là. Après sa plainte au poste de police de Rose-Belle, c’est sur le réseau social Facebook que Catherine Boudet Lingaya a décidé de dénoncer les trois policiers présents au domicile de la «Project Coordinator». Elle s’y est rendue, dimanche 23 septembre, pour une session de reiki lorsque ces policiers sont arrivés. Elle cite Husein Abdool Rahim et Vincent Dada comme témoins dans cette affaire.

«3.30 am. Just back from Rose-Belle police station I am still under deep shock as I was victim of a case of police abuse tonight», écrit la politologue française. Cette dernière affirme avoir rendu visite à la trentenaire parce qu’elle était malade. L’enfant, lui, dormait dans la chambre. «You visit a sick person and you have the police suddenly rushing in and menacing to arrest you? This is clearly a case of POLICE ABUSE and a BREACH OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS since the Constitution of Mauritius guarantees the freedom of circulation, the freedom of association and the right for an individual to protection for the privacy of his home

À l’express, Catherine Boudet fait ressortir qu’elle n’était pas venue pour rester. «Je lui ai rendu visite à sa demande. Elle avait fait appel à moi pour faire une thérapie (reiki). La police ne m’a même pas demandé si j’allais passer la nuit. D’ailleurs, même si j’allais rester, est-ce que cela aurait été un crime, compte tenu de son état ?» se demande-t-elle. D’ajouter que si elle n’avait pas fait de déplacement, cela aurait été un cas de non-assistance à personne en danger.

De son côté, Husein Abdool Rahim a, lui, donné sa version des faits dans un communiqué. Ce dernier indique qu’il s’est rendu chez Pratima Auckel parce que cette dernière ne se sentait pas bien. «This is the reason why I drove Mrs Catherine Boudet to her place for a reiki session on Mrs Pratima Auckel, because Mrs Caherine Boudet does not have a car», ecrit-t-il. De préciser qu’il n’avait pas l’intention d’y passer la nuit.

Dans son communiqué, il a également tenu à préciser que «there was no female police officer who came with the 3 police officers, even though they are aware normally it’s only a woman who live in that house alone». 


Le communiqué envoyé par Husein Abdool Rahim

Incident at Nouvelle France

I wish to give my version what happened on Saturday Night 22 Sep 2018 at Nouvelle-France. I was at Mrs Pratima Auckel’s place that evening because the latter was not feeling well. This is the reason why I drove Mrs Catherine Boudet to her place for a reiki session on Mrs Pratima Auckel, because Mrs Caherine Boudet does not have a car. Mr Vincent Dada who is Mr Port Louis 2016 and 2017 was also accompanying Mrs Catherine Boudet and I, for safety and ethical reasons.


We reached her place at around 9:50pm. The son of Mrs. Auckel was sleeping in his room so we had no contact with him. The adults were all in the living room and Mrs Catherine Boudet was getting ready for her healing session when at around 22:30, we heard the noise of a car coming in the yard of Mrs. Auckel.


It was the brother-in-law of Mrs Auckel who came in a grey pajero, the same van that hit my car last June, to feed the dogs. After five mins, he left the yard and came back in less than 10mins, accompanied by Mr. Vishal Auckel. We were on the terrace looking at what he was doing; he was taking pictures of my car.

Some moments later, a police van joined them in the yard. After a brief chat with the police officers, Mr. Auckel Vishal, his brother and the police officers landed in the house. The 5 men were filming all of us with their mobile phone. Mrs. Auckel asked them, “What’s going on?” I heard a voice said, “to pour conai ki peu arriver la, et zot pa gagne droit vin ici.” 

I asked a policeman, “what is the reason before your presence here?”, “Neither did we call you nor is there anything wrong here”, he replied, “to pas gagne droit ici toi.” He was equipped with his baton. I told him that he cannot drop in someone house without any warrant and furthermore, they were drunk and thus, smelling alcohol.

Mr. Auckel Vishal and the police officer, who was misbehaving, started to yell and went to wake up the minor child of 4 years old in the bedroom. The child started crying since he was scared seeing the police officer shouting at his mother with a baton in his hand.

Then I told them that I am recording the entire scene and I will call up a journalist and thus, fill a case against all of them since they are drunk. Two of them escaped the premises, pushing Mrs. Auckel. Then, they all left and Mrs. Auckel , Mrs. Catherine Boudet, Mr. Vincent Dada and myself, went to the police station at Rose Belle. Both women filled a police case of this bad experience.

I want to specify that during that operation, there was no female police officer who came with the 3 police officers, even though they are aware normally it’s only a woman who live in that house alone. 

Now for the court order it said “applicant undertakes that during the exercise of droit d’hebergement, there will be not be third party staying overnight at her place…”

I quote “I was not there to stay at night; I drove Mrs Catherine there as Mrs Auckel was not feeling well”

Husein Abdool Rahim