
Mise au point: "I cannot be provisionally charged with a criminal offence in my absence"

28 juillet 2014, 10:23


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Mise au point: "I cannot be provisionally charged with a criminal offence  in my absence"

I refer to the article published in online version under the title “Assemblée régionale de  Rodrigues: le Legal Advisor accusé d’agression verbale”. As you are the “Directeur de Publication” of the said  publication, I am writing to request you to publish the  following mise au point as there are the following  inaccuracies in the report:

(a) The said article incorrectly states that “Une  accusation provisoire de «outrage against public  functionary» a été logée contre lui.” You will note that  this is impossible for me to be provisionally charged as  I cannot be provisionally charged with a criminal offence  in my absence. I have been in Mauritius since 24th July 2014 (evening). Further, the Police has not even yet contacted me in relation to this alleged case;

 (b) The article incorrectly states that “Ushnoo Coosnah aurait pris contact avec la fonctionnaire. Cette dernière lui aurait alors indiqué que c’est une autre fonctionnaire qui s’occupe de son dossier, et qu’il y a des procédures à respecter». I do not know Mrs Marie Judise Rungasamy and I have never contacted her before  the alleged case;


(c) The article incorrectly states that «Une enquête a  été ouverte et Ushnoo Coosnah devrait être interrogé dans  les jours à venir.» I have to stress that up to now, I have not been contacted by the Police in relation to this  alleged case;

(d) My name is Isnoo Cooshna and not Ushnoo Cooshna.
I am a practising barrister-at-law with a very good reputation and I am the legal advisor of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. I am urging you to provide a mise au point within the meaning of section 289 of the Criminal Code to rectify the above inaccuracies. I wish to solve  this issue amicably but if no mise au point is published  by this afternoon, I will have no alternative to report  this matter to the police as it falls squarely under section 288 of the Criminal Code which deals with  criminal defamation. I am a firm believer in the freedom of the press but such freedom should be exercised responsibly by journalists as if matters which are inaccurate are published in bad faith by the press, substantial damage may be caused to an individual’s reputation.